Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what I love about your blogs..

It seems like on everyones blog, they have a cat!
In the pictures you see a cat just simply wandering into the picture.
And I should know, I have two cats, and when I am trying to take pictures of something they always want to come in the picture, they are so photogenic and beautiful and love to get their picture taken.
Just thought I would let everyone know that.

And! a new obsession.
I am just about to finish the first season as I type! It's incredible, if you haven't seen it then you should, go get a Netflix account and go watch season 1 on play it now!

ALSO, we decided to name the new kitten Dexter, although I still call him Kitty, or Pussy Boy. His real name is Dexter, but I mean who calls their cat by their real name? Do you?
Who likes Jersey Sheets? They are way too hot, personally I don't even sleep with the top sheet, just the one that hugs the mattress, time to cut up some sheets if you ask me!
Hopefully something grand will come of it!
Finally got everything into my new room! It's so big and feels so good, I love it. I haven't started with the pillowcases for my pillows yet, I am waiting for my mom to finish my new quilt so i can find the perfect matching fabric. Even though it may take a while now, because school started which means Mother has to get back to work. It made her a bit sad that she won't be able to work on her crafts..She did start a new wreath last night, which is coming along magically. A white and gold one. If you have any interest in seeing it first just let me know! Maybe we can strike up a deal...back to my room which is still a sad shade of light purple, which will have to be changed soon, sorry KT, so something better! Other then that I think my room looks great. Nice and big and clean! Even with my big bed, the room is still huge.
Time to cut some sheets!

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